Monday, May 12, 2014

Breathing Color & Swimming Through A Galactic Matrix of Green Sea

Fireworks of sound are your visual portal to a galactic ocean in a sky of northern lights. There is such beauty in this sea of color and emotion; this living and thriving matrix of green wonder that softly tickles every atom of your being with light kisses. Breathe in the sound as you reach out to play with its notes on a magical ride of exploration and exhale color while your soul dances and flirts with the carpet of stars like a shadow into the next dimension; your parallel universe.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

New Shores

With a glance toward the churning sky and through blurry lenses I take in the sound of rumbling thunder that mirrors the turbulence of my emotions. Swelling to the surface, tears barrel salty waves inside my chest, ready to break the walls that stoically attempt to confine them. With a deep breath and firm resolve I reach out to steady myself in this rocky sea until my bare feet firmly touch solid ground once more.
I slowly close my eyes and fall to my knees as darkness envelopes like a warm blanket of protection.
The cool breeze softly kisses my teary cheek with a silent caress of promise. A hazy promise that inspires a flicker of a smile. I open my eyes and gaze up at the expansive carpet of blackness when I notice a twinkling. A lone star impishly winks at me as if he's seen my story before and knows everything will be alright...and somehow, I think it will be.
Washed up on new shores i rise up with my fresh resolve and determinedly set forth to openly embrace this new adventure.