Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I IMPLORE YOU: How easy is it to be a nation distracted by the next film to hit the theater or next game to come out; to be sucked into the debate of Android v.s iPhone and who's wearing Vuitton or Gucci? My, how passionate we can get. Instead, for just a moment I implore you look up, to open your eyes and not just see but feel the reality taking place around you. Instead, get passionate for the lost children, not just here in America but around the world. FEEL your fellow people and recall any bit of empathy in your being to think past this selfishness that has a nation of people so very blind to what's going on around the world past this superficial, individualistic, corporate, social media bubble we often willingly or unknowingly succumb to. For a moment, connect to every great thinker who thought to evoke more meaning into our lives, for every great song that grabbed you and held on tight; for each and every real human moment and emotion you've had... reach for it... hold on to it like a lifeline and with it, connect with others so that they too can share in this collective remembrance of what it's like to truly CARE and be cared for past nations, languages and borders. Remember what it means to be a genuine person, a good person, a person who stands up for whats right in the world; not because it's easy, but because someone needs to. Be 'that' person!  Look up, open your 'eyes' and feel with the very essence of who you are and what you wish to become.   🙏🏽😔

The Lost Children YOUTUBE: SONG

1 comment:

  1. Simply...what I love about you, your heart and your mind...RD
